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Frankfurt's MyZeil lights up
Some years ago, the 23rd of November was a brilliant night at Frankfurt's MyZeil shopping centre as thousands of lights were switched on to bring to life an outstanding and impressive festive display created by MK Illumination. The centre was given a huge boost for the festive season with an enchanted forest of massive proportions, with a herd of majestic reindeer leaping across the avant-garde shopping mall. Marcus Schwartz, Centre Manager of MyZeil ECE Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG: "With this sensational lighting creation, we have both a unique Christmas decoration and an Advent attraction for the entire city of Frankfurt. The giant, lifelike display, which will delight and inspire visitors to MyZeil for the next five festive seasons, creates a whole new dimension in storytelling and technical expertise. "Rarely do we have the opportunity to be creative on such a phenomenal scale," said an enthusiastic Thomas Mark of MK Illumination.